Jeanie Hannaman

August 19, 2017

Family Research Council’s Tony Perkins Calls for Day of Prayer for America’s Healing

Family Research Council - Family Research Council President Tony Perkins released the following statement calling the nation to prayer and reconciliation as the national divide grows deeper... “We are a divided nation that is in crisis. We are no longer talking to each other – only screaming at one another. We are like a married couple in crisis.
August 19, 2017

Planned Parenthood Investigator Claims Victory in Washington State Appeal

By Matt Hadro, CNA/EWTN News - Lawyers for Planned Parenthood investigator David Daleiden claimed a victory on Wednesday as the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court sent back a lower court's ruling against him... “The Court of Appeals, by reversing this decision and remanding this case back to District Court, has prevented a serious threat to the public's right to know how their tax dollars are being spent,”
August 19, 2017

“Family-Friendly” Islam Comes to Europe

By William Kilpatrick, Crisis Magazine - “If you want to see the face of Europe in 100 years, barring a miracle, look to the faces of young Muslim immigrants.” Thus said Philadelphia archbishop Charles Chaput at a recent Napa Institute conference... “Islam has a future because Islam believes in children,” he said. “Without a transcendent faith that makes life worth living, there’s no reason to bear children.”
August 19, 2017

Formal Correction of Pope Francis: 12 Facts You Need to Know

By Dorothy Cummings McLean, LifeSiteNews - In an August 14 interview with The Wanderer, Cardinal Leo Burke stated that a formal “correction” of some of Pope Francis’ teachings on marriage and the family is “necessary.”.. Here are 12 facts about the proposed correction... (12) While opposed to any kind of formal schism, Cardinal Burke believes that there is currently apostasy within the Church, as was predicted by Our Lady of Fatima....
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